Physical Therapy Clinic
*Due to COVID-19 precautions, Dr. Rudavsky is not doing in-person treatments at this time. More info to come as the situation progresses (updated 9/24/20)

Aliza Rudavsky, DPT, PhD
The aim of this website is to centralize information related to Dr. Aliza Rudavsky's work including research, clinical practice, education and resources.
A native of Pittsburgh, Aliza grew up as a dancer. She studied modern dance in college and performed professionally for several years before going to graduate school for her Doctorate in Physical Therapy at the University of Washington in Seattle. As a physical therapist, Aliza has specialized training in pelvic floor dysfunction and women's health PT through the Herman and Wallace Institute. She trained as a dance PT through the Harkness Center for Dance Injuries and the Australian Ballet. She also has unique training in physical therapy for voice dysfunction and treats both performing artists and other occupational voice users.
Aliza completed her PhD in 2018 through the University of Copenhagen (in collaboration with Monash and Latrobe Universities in Melbourne, Australia) under the supervision of Dr. Jill Cook. Her research involved studying tendon development in adolescent ballet dancers. She has published this research in several sports journals as well as the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science.
Currently, Aliza is an assistant professor at Penn State University where she has a split appointment in the department of Kinesiology and the School of Theatre. In Kinesiology she teaches the athletic training students and does research, and in the School of Theatre she runs an on-site PT clinic for the musical theatre and acting students. Her current research involves connecting the pelvic floor to the vocal folds to study how they coordinate to regulate pressures in the trunk. This research is currently funded by the Foundation for PT Research-Pelvic Health Research.
Aliza is the mother of three delightful children (rascals). She enjoys contact improvisation, experimental cooking with her husband in their backyard brick oven, biking, hiking and exploring central PA with her family.